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搜尋參考資料: 1. Bear | Define Bear at Dictionary.com The roof will not bear the strain of his weight. 3. to bring forth (young); give birth to: to bear a child. 4. to produce by natural growth: a tree that bears fruit. 5. 2. Bear - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Bears are mammals of the family Ursidae. Bears are classified as caniforms, or doglike carnivorans, with the pinnipeds being their closest living relatives. 3. Bear | Definition of Bear by Merriam-Webster any one of a group of large and heavy animals that have thick hair and sharp claws and that can stand on two legs like a person. finance : a person who expects ... 4. Bear - definition of bear by The Free Dictionary v. bore (bôr), borne (bôrn) or born (bôrn), bear·ing, bears. v.tr. 1. a. To carry (something) on one's person from one place to another: bore the suitcase to the ... 5. bear definition and synonyms | Macmillan Dictionary Define bear and get synonyms. What is bear? bear meaning, pronunciation and more by Macmillan Dictionary. |
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